Lucinda Goulden, Woodworker and Brush Maker

Around The World: UK

Lucinda Goulden celebrates Women in Trade Day (Worldwide) with her chisel to sculpt wood.

Preserving an ancient craft

WITD: Briefly tell us about your tool, how important it is. Why and when you use it?

Lucinda: I use a woodturning lathe, bowl gouges and chisels to sculpt wood into functional forms and brushes.

WITD: How has it changed your life?

Lucinda: Woodworking gives me meaning in life. I grew up in the care system and left my children's home at 16. I was out in the world supporting myself alone and I had to learn how to put up a picture frame, build my own furniture which is what started my journey into using tools. My passion for woodturning grew from there. It's a therapeutic craft that I've now turned into a small business. I used social media as a way to get my work out there and to help inspire others to get into this style of woodworking that isn't that well known.

It is also important for the preservation of an ancient craft; we aren't just preserving old buildings but continuing and preserving the craft skills with which to care for them. 

WITD: Briefly tell us why Women in Trade Day (Worldwide) on June 15th, 2022, is important to you?

Lucinda: Women in Trade means a lot to me as I think it's really important to have representation of women within the industries that are still seen as predominantly male. It helps to break down barriers and misconceptions of what women can achieve.

WITD: How will you be celebrating the day?

Lucinda: I'll be celebrating by continuing to inspire others through my craft and to help get the word out.

WITD: How are you inspiring other women?

Lucinda: Through social media and I plan to open my own women woodturning workshops later next year.

Instagram @lucindagoulden 


Demi Utaraviciute, Designer, Painter and Upcyler


Geraldine Coffey DSFH, CNHC (reg), AfSFH (reg) Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist